The abridged story of Faelynn’s birth … Davina was 40 weeks pregnant on February 1st, but still no baby or hint of baby coming. Davina and Corinne went to their usual Monday morning playgroup and had a nice time. On the morning of Tuesday, February 2nd Davina had another non-stress test to listen to baby’s heartbeat and make sure everything was okay. Before going to the hospital Davina suspected her water may have broken, but she didn’t feel anything and it was only a trickle. The non-stress test went well and Davina didn’t mention anything about the possible water break. Robert took Davina and Corinne home and went to work. Davina rested and relaxed the rest of the day with no further sign of broken waters. Robert came home from work and the family had dinner. After dinner Robert and Corinne played Candyland while Davina finished eating and started cleaning up. Davina went to the bathroom. She came out and calmly announced that she was finishing dinner and then calling the hospital … there was more water coming out. Her waters were definitely broken.
At this point Robert hopped up and helped with clean-up and got Corinne ready. The bags were already packed and in the car so after calling the hospital and their friends Silvia and Bill, so they could take care of Corinne, the family headed to the hospital around 9PM. The weather and the roads were bad – wind, snow, ice. It was slow-going, but they didn’t feel there was any rush since Corinne wasn’t born until 3 days after the water had broken. They also called Cousin Kelly on the way so she could take care of the dogs.
When they arrived at the hospital Silvia and Bill were there to meet them. They waited with Corinne while Robert and Davina went into Labor & Delivery. Davina said one last goodbye to Corinne in case she was going to be admitted. Corinne said “Now go!” With that Robert and Davina left to check in. The staff showed them to a room and Davina changed into a hospital gown. A nurse checked Davina and with a gush of fluid announced Davina would be admitted. Robert and Davina started settling in. Robert got the computer out and set-up so he could call the grandparents and start documenting the events of the birth. Corinne went home with Silvia and Bill for her fun sleepover.
Davina was hooked up to a heart monitor so they could check the baby and make sure everything was okay. Things proceeded slowly at first and Davina was able to rest, but then sure enough the contractions started all on their own. Through the night they became stronger and stronger and more frequent. With Robert’s help Davina was able to get through the contractions. Eventually they became more painful than Davina could handle and she asked for some pain relief (aka epidural). Davina received the epidural and felt much better. The nurse checked Davina at 5:30 in the morning and announced Davina was at 10cm so it was time to get ready for pushing. At first Davina wasn’t pushing well since the epidural had dulled the pain. So the epidural was turned off and Davina rested until she could feel the pain again. After shift change (around 7AM) the new nurse came in and the pushing resumed. The contractions came and Davina pushed and pushed and pushed. Around 9AM the mid-wife that Robert and Davina had come to know during the group OB appointments came in and asked if she could catch the baby. We said sure and were happy she was there.
And so after some more pushing sweet Faelynn Francesca was born at 11:02AM on February 3rd. She came out with a great cry. Davina planned to cut the cord, but it was a bit short so the mid-wife took care of it. After Davina held Faelynn for a while and cried herself because she was so happy to see the baby (and stop pushing), Faelynn was checked out by the staff. They were quite impressed at her size. She was given her first bath as well. Davina also took a shower. After bathing we moved down to the Mother-Baby Unit. In Mother-Baby we were fortunate to have our own room. We settled in and Davina finished her lunch that she had started up in Labor & Delivery.
Later that evening Silvia, her son Patrick, and Corinne came for a visit. Cousin Kelly and Marian also stopped by. Corinne enjoyed meeting her baby sister and said she was a cutie. It really hit Robert and Davina that they had two daughters. Davina and Faelynn were able to stay two nights before heading home on Friday, February 5th. Now the fun really begins!
This site was last updated 02/12/14