February was an exciting month for us at the Gill Household with the birth of Faelynn Francesca! Davina and I got to learn all over again how to take care of an infant (mostly Davina since that is who Faelynn wants most of the time) and Corinne got learn what it means to be a big sister. She is very excited to fill that roll and to teach and look out after her baby sister. The biggest thing we need for Corinne to understand is that when she is showing her love to her baby sister that she still needs to breath. Along with all the gifts for Faelynn, Corinne was showered with gifts from family and friends as the big sister...she loved that fact.
Davina's parents also arrived for a couple weeks to help out while we adjusted to our new daughter...mostly they helped to keep Corinne entertained.
Also to help celebrate, our German neighbors, Ernst and Ilse took the whole family to a nice restaurant for brunch...we were inside where it was peaceful while a very strong wind storm raged outside. The storm lasted a couple days...we only had minimal damage in our yard but many trees fell in the area and on base.
Thank you for all your warm wishes and prayers with the birth of Faelynn.
More to come next month!
This site was last updated 02/12/14