2010 Apr Around The House



In April we welcomed the beginning of Spring and the warmer temperatures (after a cold, snowy winter).  The flowers in the yard were beautiful, picture perfect for our last Spring in Germany.  The day before Easter we went to an Easter Party sponsored by Robert's office.  Corinne had a good time making crafts and hunting for eggs.  Faelynn just enjoyed being held.  That night Davina played piano for the Easter Vigil at church and then Easter Sunday morning we all went to Mass.  After Mass we hosted Robert's cousin Kelly and her fiance' Marian for an Easter brunch and Easter egg hunt.  Of course, we can't forget the Easter baskets!  It was a great day!

Faelynn started to smile and make eye contact this month.  She is following moving objects - like big sister Corinne - with her eyes more and more.  She is also starting to reach and grab.  She handled her 2 month shots remarkably well - just a little bit of crying.  She is just growing right before our eyes.

During the rest of April we picked flowers in the nearby field.  It was a bit cold and windy that day, but the daffodils were delightful.  We also enjoyed an afternoon of bowling with Davina's church choir.  Corinne has quite an arm!  We made trips to the mall on base and the ice cream cafe to have lunch with Robert.  Looking at the photos it appears we also slept a bit and bathed Faelynn.  Towards the end of the month we hosted a potluck for Robert's office.  The yard and the house looked great before we began getting ready for moving.  At the end of April we welcomed Davina's sister Katherine for a nearly 2 week visit.  She came not only to visit and travel a bit, but to help get ready for the move by posting things on the local yard sale website and cleaning stuff out.  Thanks, Katherine!



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This site was last updated 02/12/14