In March we continued to enjoy the newest addition to our family. Faelynn is a fairly easy going baby. She eats, sleeps, fills diapers, and smiles. She doesn’t fuss much except for when she is hungry or wet. Corinne loves her so much. We have a rule that when Baby Sister is asleep she can only be kissed once, as opposed to several times!
We said goodbye to Grandma and Grandpa Leccese at the beginning of March. It was so nice to have them visit for two weeks. They will be back in May for Faelynn’s baptism. Faelynn took her first trip to Robert’s office too. Corinne showed her where all of the snacks and treats are. Davina, Corinne, and Faelynn are getting out more as a trio – venturing to the grocery store, the mall, gym class, and playgroup. Davina has a secret fear of forgetting one of the girls so she is always checking the backseat as she pulls out of a parking lot.
Robert’s parents sent Davina a goody basket full of local Cleveland chocolates to congratulate her on a job well done. The chocolates were far too tasty. Faelynn enjoyed them too! There are also photos of Faelynn’s first bath and a picture of her with the mid-wife who delivered her (the lady in the black shirt with the short, curly hair). She is a captain in the Air Force.
At the end of March Corinne participated in the Easter egg hunt on base. We got there about 30 seconds after the whistle blew and Corinne only collected a couple of pieces of candy. It was a tough crowd. Daddy promised Corinne that the Easter Bunny would leave eggs in her yard on Easter Sunday for her to collect. You can see all of the fun when the April photos are posted! See you next month!
This site was last updated 02/12/14